torstai 7. maaliskuuta 2013

Its wine o'clock

Why a true lady, enticing wife and a ridiculously good mother should always have a bottle of wine, preferably Chardonnay, in their fridge -  These situations come unexpectedly and call for a glass of wine:

1) You end up yelling at your children "This is the third and last time! If you do not shut that xbox and do your homework, I swear I will strangle you and then let your father do it too!"

2) Your ridiculously pedant husband reminds you that he wants his polo t-shirts neatly folded in three, not in two as you had been doing  for the last hour after just going through the whole pile of laundry lingering accusingly on the laundryroom floor.

3) Your girlfriend has lost 5 pounds in a week.

4) You were surrounded by Honda Odysseys in the traffic from the office/Walmart, driven by exhausted mothers who tried to feed the baby, hand  the homework book to the middle kid and argue with the teenager  - all while trying to drive their way too big vans, just to make you almost drive off the road when trying to avoid a crash, yelling "Learn to multitask lady!"

5) You decide to go through the hit songs of your youth in Youtube. (Calls for a bottle, or two)

6) You text your neighbor "Wine?" on the exact time as she text you "Im drunk, wanna come over?"

7) You drag yourself out of the bed at 7am to hit the gym at 8am and think you are super active and fit... just to get a text from a friend telling she ran half-marathon at 6am.

8) You bought new fancy wine glasses from TJ MAXX.

9) You still can't fit into your motiation jeans.

10) A recipe called for red wine and you "accidently" opened the Chardonnay. Hey, a gal can't waste a perfectly good wine, even if it is 1pm on a Sunday and you just got home from church. The kids probably weren't behaving there anyway and you need it.

3 kommenttia:

  1. I'm pretty sure we can be friends, as long as I can have Moscato instead of Chardonnay.

  2. Deal! But if you loose 5 pounds in a week I'm drinking your Moscato too.

  3. Actually... I DO need to lose five pounds. About five times. The treadmill is mocking me and the dogs wonder why a stranger walks them... I think I need a glass of wine to clear my head before I do something drastic, like actually work out.
